Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Labor Day & Football Season

The time has finally come….FOOTBALL SEASON!   Labor Day weekend is always one of myfavorite times of year. This year we went to Jon’s lakeshore on Lake Wedoweewith his parents and had a very relaxing time. Jon left Thursday with his dadto do some work on the farm so Beau and I met them there on Friday after I gotoff work. Thursday night was the first time that I had been home alone with himovernight and it went great! He slept through the night so we both got a goodnight’s sleep. Friday afternoon I picked him up from Mrs. Pats and we were offto the lake. I had also never driven 3 hours alone with him so I was unsure howit would go but he was perfect. I made sure I fed him a bottle before gettingin the car which was key. He slept off and on the entire trip. When he was notsleeping he was playing with his elephant which is made of crinkle paper so itmakes noise. He just sat back there so patiently.

We got to the lake Fridayevening around 7:30pm and ate dinner with everyone.  That night Jon’s parents kept Beau upstairsnear their room so we could get some good sleep which was AWESOME! Beau sleptgreat in the Pack n’ Play on his tummy all night. He really is a great littlesleeper.

Saturday was game day and we watched a bunch of football.Beau sat in his little bouncy chair and watched too! Bama played at 4:30pm andwon against Virginia Tech and Auburn won against Washington State so we wereboth happy! The rest of the weekend consisted of watching football and resting.Jon and I did go visit his granddad in the nursing home on Saturday afternoonwhich was fun! He is 99 years old and got to hold Beau.

We came home to Huntsville on Monday morning so Jon couldrest up for his first day of work at Gavilon on Tuesday. It was a greatweekend!
Roll Tide and War Eagle!

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