Monday, March 24, 2014

Oily Infatuation

We have been using Young Living Essential Oils for the past few weeks and have loved using them. We use our diffuser every afternoon when we get home from work and it has such a calming effect. This week has been a pretty stressful week between work, being tired and life in general. I have been coming home and instantly diffusing Peace & Calming which has helped lift my spirits. I also love to rub Stress Away on my wrists for an extra calming effect and that works wonders. I find myself with an increase in energy and able to get through cooking dinner with a baby crawling around my feet and a little dog begging for scraps while I cook. These oils are truly amazing to me! Once the baby goes to bed and I get a little free time I love to take a bath with Epsom salt and Lavender. I cannot tell you how relaxing this combo is and it allows me to sleep so soundly. Right before bed I will rub Lavender or Peace & Calming on the bottom of my feet and I fall right asleep. The oils have a level of comfort to them. I love how I am not using Tylenol PM to sleep or any other medications to make my body fall asleep. I recommend everyone at least give them a try! I have been using them on the bottom of Beau’s feet before he gets into his footed PJ’s and he has been sleeping so well. He is cutting 4 teeth right now so he is a little fussy and going to be extra early so this has helped him stay asleep all night.

I love how the oils added such a positive vibe in our house and truly work wonders for us! Even Jon loves the oils and uses them every day just like I do!

I plan on making some lotions with the oils this weekend so I will post my recipes next week!

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