Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lowering a Mattress and Making Fresh Food

The time has come to lower Beau’s crib mattress. He is at the point where he can sit up and is curious about pulling up. He does not pull up yet but is thinking about it by putting his hand on the rail and trying to look over. Jon and I decided to be proactive and lower his mattress before he does pull up and flip out of his bed. Sunday afternoon it was raining so we decided it was the best time to tackle this project. It was actually very easy and only took Jon about thirty minutes. It makes us feel better that Beau is now safe in his bed at night.

I have been one to really follow the books when it comes to blankets or objects in his crib. He has one small bunny that sleeps in his bed with him and we have recently started putting a blanket on him at night. The blanket is crotched so it has lots of holes in it so if it were to get over his face he could still breathe. I am pretty sure he is out of the stage of suffocating in his bed but it is always in the back of my mind. Beau loves the blanket being over him at night. I think he feels really secure and loves to snuggle with it. He is so precious to watch on the monitor. I still catch myself watching him sleep.

This weekend I also made Beau some yummy food. I don’t make all his baby food but I do make most of it. I love to put fruits and veggies on a roasting pan and put them in the oven to cook. I then puree them and put them in the freezer in ice trays. It is so much cheaper than buying the baby food at the store. Don’t get me wrong, I do purchase baby food but I find much joy in making it myself.


Life is so much fun with a baby and never a dull moment in our house!

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