This week has been really busy. We are leaving on Thursday
evening for Mobile to see my family which is super exciting. I have been busy
making lists and packing which actually takes a few days. Beau has more stuff
than anyone and I want to remember has much as possible for him. This weekend
we are going to our annual fishing tournament at our camp in the Delta and it
is by far one of my favorite weekends of the year. It is full of great food,
friends and relaxation which is what we need! It will be Beau’s first time at
the camp and I cannot wait to get him up there! If I had to pick my favorite
place on earth it would have to be our camp. I grew up going there and it has
been in our family for three generations now and it is heaven on earth! Beau is
going to love it! (more to come on that once we get back)
This week I introduced peas and pears to Beau and wow he
liked them! I love how our little man is not a picky eater at all! He will eat
both fruits and veggies just the same. It is a complete mess when we feed him
so I have opted to feed him with only his diaper on so his clothes do not get
stained. After he eats he normally has food in his hair and all over the place.
It truly is a sight to see!
Other fun tricks that Beau has done this week is put his
toes in his mouth, throw his arms around like Tarzan, roll from side to side,
kick you in the gut while changing his diaper, pull your hair, loves to stand
on his legs with us holding his arms and love to look at himself in the mirror.
Oh I almost forgot, he has found Lilly! Before now, Lilly was
nothing to him. He did not notice Lilly and did not care a thing about her but
now he likes her. He watches her and if he is sitting in his chair or Jump-up
he is eye level with her so they can look at each other. Lilly will sometimes
snuggle up to him while he is laying on his activity mat or blanket. They are
going to be best friends one day. We can tell that Lilly loves the attention.
She does not care if Beau pulls her ears or hits her on the back because she
loves him. It is so cute!
He still loves to go on walks. He will play with his feet
while we walk and talks to himself. It is pretty funny. He also likes to look
around and listen to the birds. Lilly tags along next to us and barks at anyone
or any dog that gets in 50 feet of us. She is really protective these days. We
love walking with our friends Courtney and PK too!